Sunday, June 8, 2008

She's got one magic trick. Just one, and that's it. She disappears.

M. Ward!  The best. 

On my mind today: Jesus Christ, a lot of people got engaged right after graduation.  I've seen around 5 status-update-type notifications about people planning to get hitched.  It used to sound perfectly normal to me that a lot of people get married after getting their bachelor's degree.  But then all of a sudden I got my bachelor's degree.  Now it sounds weird.  Just a personal thing, I guess.  I could never imagine being married at this point in my life.

Then again, I still have an agenda to take care of before I can settle down and all that good stuff.  I get that a lot of people don't want/need to go any further than a bachelor's degree.  That they're ready to work and start a family right out of school.  That's what their agenda looks like.  

Honestly I have my moments.  I have my "good lord, I am sick of school and I want to start the things in life that I care about starting the most" moments.  Because frankly, getting a law degree is absolutely nothing compared to getting married and having a family.  It's what I want to do, but it's nowhere near as important, nor will it be anywhere near as fulfilling.  Challenging as I know it will be, I know I won't feel particularly "amazing" or "special" about it.  Pushing a baby out of me clearly blows getting that class ring out of the water.

Obviously I have no plans of getting married anytime soon.  Unless 4-5 years from now is "soon" to you.  It gets weird thinking about it, though.  Mark and I have been together for 5 years...he's the only person I've actually been with and vice versa.  There's that whole situation...I think Jackie Chan summed it up pretty well: "the farther you run in one direction, the harder it is to go back and start over".  What else can I do but give my best and hope it works?  At any rate, it's scary thinking about what I'd do if it didn't...

We won't think about that now, though.  There are too many positive things to think about.  Early as usual, I'm completely packed for the Philippines, and almost completely packed for Santa Clara.  One week of misery and I'm off!  Misery, because my car is in the shop and insurance doesn't cover me for the rental car.  So I'm pretty stranded, unless someone wants to come get me and hang out.  I'm excited for the Philippines, and would be even more excited about Santa Clara if I actually had a place to live.  Wish me luck on that one.

Anyway, I'm actually pretty tired.  What a miracle, cuz I've been going to be at around 3am for the past few nights.  P.S....the time change for the Philippines is confusing the fuck out of me.  I hope I don't miss/take too many doses of the pill when I'm there.  Boo.