Thursday, September 6, 2007

"The Way I See It:"

Wise words from my coffee cup:

Growing up, my parents always said, "You will leave this world the same way you came into it: with nothing." It made me realize that the only things we do in this world that count are those things that make the world a better place for those who will come behind it."
-Tyrone Hayes, National Geographic

Something to think about.

Mark bought a car yesterday! And I am so proud of his environmentally-friendly purchase! :) And also so proud that he pays for school and this car and all his other needs completely on his own. He doesn't have a single day off in the entire week. WTF? I have no idea how to do that yet. I will learn, though. Starting with working on my days off...something I've had to do since my favorite boss left. It's fine though; I'm happy to show my support.

Class starts tomorrow. Technically, it started today, but my T/TR class got cancelled. Cliche as it sound, "I can't believe this is my senior year! Oh-em-gee!" Seriously though, when did I turn into a college senior?

My T/TR got cancelled...and so did my LSAT prep class! Not enough people signed up to take it at Pitzer, so I'm going to the one at Santa Monica City College for I get to put my payment towards 6 hours of private tutoring. If I do worse on this test, then I'm pretty much an idiot.

I need to get back to work.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

"Were you in the shit?"

-Max Fischer

My "Hawaii-Grandma is going to get surgery soon...95% it's cancer. I really wish that I was the praying type during times like these.

It was my parents' 22nd anniversary yesterday. I got them a great cake...those square kinds that look like gift boxes. It was so well-made that my dad literally thought it was a gift. As in he reached for it to open the box and got a hand full of bavarian cream. We went to Gyu-Kaku for dinner and burned all the Japanese sausages; we've never been good at barbeques anyway. It was a good time and all, but I still think it's funny that they celebrate their anniversaries.

September's barely started, and I already am so eager to get it over with. Mostly because I spend all of my spare time doing LSAT prep tests. I don't think I'm going to do mind-blowingly well, but a lot of people seem to think that I am, and that just makes it even more irritating.

Friday was Mr. Lindsay's last day at MH&L. I guess it's just going to be MH from here on out. M&H? I dunno, I'll have to ask. I really enjoyed being one of those people who could say "I love my boss!" without being even a little bit full of shit. I can't blame him for leaving, though. If I got offered a job at the firm that represents UPS International, I'd leave too.

My mom's business partner has a neice or something that has her own practice somewhere in Los Angeles. They've dealt with big companies like Pfizer (I have no idea how to spell Pfizer); pharmacy stuff. That might be a good place to intern at later in life. It really gets me down that all I have to look forward to from here on out is work. "YES, I GOT THE JOB!!!!" "YES, I GOT ACCEPTED!!!!" "YES, THEY MADE ME A GOOD OFFER!!!" "YES, I CAN AFFORD THE HOUSE IN SAN MARINO!!!!" LoL. This is the stuff that my dreams have been made of lately, and even though they are my own dreams, I'm not particularly pleased with them. There are just more things to be happy about than work and stuff, I think. How irritating that what you do determines so much of the life that you will ultimately be able to have, because what you do has so little to do with who you are. It should be a reflection of who you are, sure. But it's not supposed to define you. I hope I never let it define me. I hope I never find myself with my nose in the air and my head in my ass (at the same time! yikes!), snubbing the little people because I'm a muthafuckin lawyer. I hate the type. I'm glad I ended up working in an office that isn't like was encouraging to see.

Anyway, I'm going oto go finish some laundry, go discount shopping for a new top to wear to Mark's family reunion next week, do some practice tests, buy some dog food, and get a key duplicated. Oh, man. Look out.