Thursday, September 6, 2007

"The Way I See It:"

Wise words from my coffee cup:

Growing up, my parents always said, "You will leave this world the same way you came into it: with nothing." It made me realize that the only things we do in this world that count are those things that make the world a better place for those who will come behind it."
-Tyrone Hayes, National Geographic

Something to think about.

Mark bought a car yesterday! And I am so proud of his environmentally-friendly purchase! :) And also so proud that he pays for school and this car and all his other needs completely on his own. He doesn't have a single day off in the entire week. WTF? I have no idea how to do that yet. I will learn, though. Starting with working on my days off...something I've had to do since my favorite boss left. It's fine though; I'm happy to show my support.

Class starts tomorrow. Technically, it started today, but my T/TR class got cancelled. Cliche as it sound, "I can't believe this is my senior year! Oh-em-gee!" Seriously though, when did I turn into a college senior?

My T/TR got cancelled...and so did my LSAT prep class! Not enough people signed up to take it at Pitzer, so I'm going to the one at Santa Monica City College for I get to put my payment towards 6 hours of private tutoring. If I do worse on this test, then I'm pretty much an idiot.

I need to get back to work.

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