Friday, January 11, 2008

A Jigsaw Falling Into Place...

I remember why I decided to make this blog. Because of horribly nosy people who like to determine the person that they choose to believe I am by reading my bloggies, hah. I guess the most logical thing to do would be to not write in online journals, but I'm stubborn and I usually go against my better judgements.

Anyway. I haven't written in this since September. Time is hilarious. September to January is no time at all, but it feels like all the difference in the world. It's always interesting to see where you've been...sometimes you end up in completely unfamiliar territory. Sometimes you end up exactly where you expected yourself to be. I think this semester's left me in the middle. A little bit of both. Things are harder and easier. Happy and sad. I have things to look forward to and things that I'm petrified to have to face. Isn't that just the way it goes though?

I'm happily into my first week of the last Jan-Term of my life. T.S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway are great topics to spend your time learning about! They have so much to say. So many contradictions, which I love. I am full of contradictions, as is everyone I'm sure.

And February will mark the beginning of my last semester of college. When all is said and done, college has been nothing but a positive experience for me and I'm thankful that I got to go. I spent a good amount of time worrying my ass off about what my future is going to be like and what I'm going to end up doing with my life, but winter break gave me a little time to catch my breath and I'm feeling much better now. I don't worry too much about it these days. I will end up exactly where I'm meant to end up...I guess that as long as I keep focusing my energies on pursuing the things that matter to me I should end up alright. Law school, yes. But I want to keep learning about people and cultures. I want to keep seeing new places and learning about things that I've never heard of before. I just have to keep reminding myself that there are bigger things at work in the world that have nothing and everything to do with me.

I'm going to clean out my closet and listen to some Radiohead. Peace, people. And don't forget to vote!

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